Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Voice of America Special English News 5/15/2007

Looking at Mosquitoes as a Way to Fight Malaria Instead of Spreading It
Also on SCIENCE IN THE NEWS: A report says fewer boys have been born in the US and Japan each year since 1970. And vitamins can help pregnant women in developing countries increase low birth weights.Fighting Fire Ants With a Virus of Their Own
On AGRICULTURE REPORT: US scientists have hopes for a biological way to control an invasion that causes billions of dollars in farm losses each year.GlobalGiving: Connecting Personal Donors to Local Projects
On DEVELOPMENT REPORT: This non-profit organization has raised about five million dollars in the last seven years. The money has paid for or helped finance about seven hundred projects around the world.Mothers as Seen Through the Eyes, and the Years, of TV and Movie Makers
On THIS IS AMERICA: Some examples of how, as women in general have become more independent, so have the moms created by Hollywood.Numbers: I, for One, Use These Expressions Often
On WORDS AND THEIR STORIES: A number of terms based on the number one.Pocahontas, 1595-1617: An Important Player in Early Jamestown
On PEOPLE IN AMERICA: She was the first Native American to become a Christian and the first to marry a white person. She represented the hope of close relations between American Indians and European settlers.Sarkozy's Economic Plan for France May Depend on June Elections
On IN THE NEWS: Chirac will leave office on Wednesday. Blair announces he will resign June 27. And Turkey looks for a solution to its presidential crisis.Harvard Economist Susan Athey Wins a Top Award
On ECONOMICS REPORT: The first woman to receive the Clark Medal is honored for her work across several areas of study, including government auctions.Cortney Tidwell's Music: Moonlit Laughter, in the Shadow of Emotions
Also on AMERICAN MOSAIC: A question from Saudi Arabia about presidential candidates' pages on MySpace. And the US Postal Service releases only its second triangular stamp, to honor the 400th anniversary of Jamestown.For Blind Foreign Students, Some Aid Available in US
On EDUCATION REPORT: In Part 36 of our Foreign Student Series, a listener in Nigeria asks if visually impaired foreign students can get a full scholarship as an undergraduate.US History: Nixon Promises to 'Bring the American People Together' After '68 Win
On THE MAKING OF A NATION: Richard Nixon lost the 1960 election to John Kennedy. But Nixon was known for his ability to fight, to lose, and to keep trying. Those skills would soon be tested.Something a Bone Will Never Say: Give Me a Break
On HEALTH REPORT: An explanation of different kinds of fractures and treatments.Have an Active Interest in Volcanoes? Then Look Around Hawaii
On EXPLORATIONS: Seeing the sights at Volcanoes National Park and Haleakala National Park.

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