Thursday, May 10, 2007

VOA Special English News Headlines 5/9/2007

Research Shows How Fishing for Sharks Also Affects Other Sea Animals
Also on SCIENCE IN THE NEWS: A new kind of big cat is found on Borneo island. British researchers call for drug policy reform based on new findings. And US officials order stronger warnings for sleep drugs.Looking Behind the 'Fairtrade' Label
On AGRICULTURE REPORT: The movement began in Europe in the 1980s as a way to guarantee fair prices for small coffee producers in poor countries. With praise, though, has come criticism.Playing in the Sun and Sea at Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket
On THIS IS AMERICA: Why visitors come back summer after summer to these two islands off the coast of Massachusetts.As Chinese Investment in Africa Grows, So Do Risks
On DEVELOPMENT REPORT: Deadly attack on oil field in Ethiopia shows the dangers that China may face as it expands its involvement in the continent.Gene Kelly, 1912-1996: His Movies Made Dance Popular in America
On PEOPLE IN AMERICA: He created a new kind of American dance by mixing modern, tap and ballet in an athletic way. But Gene Kelly said he really was just a song and dance man.Medical Terms: A Clean Bill of Health From the Doctor
On WORDS AND THEIR STORIES: Everyday expressions we use to describe someone's healthWhite House, Congress Try to Negotiate a New Iraq Spending Bill
On IN THE NEWS: Talks begin after President Bush vetoes a $124 billion measure that would have required a troop withdrawal to begin by October.How Much Is Too Much? The Debate Over Executive Pay
On ECONOMICS REPORT: Critics say company leaders are getting big raises even when they do not add value for their shareholders.Mix Caribbean, West African, Pop and Hip-Hop, What Do You Get? Akon
Also on AMERICAN MOSAIC: A question from Vietnam about the life stories of Helen Keller and Sally Ride. And feeling crafty? We check out the Smithsonian Craft Show in Washington.1968 in America: a Year of Social Unrest and a Presidential Election
On THE MAKING OF A NATION: The Republican candidate was Richard Nixon (pictured). The Democrats nominated Hubert Humphrey. The candidates supported the war in Vietnam, but spoke about ways to end the conflict.Choosing a Student Exchange Program to Come to the US
On EDUCATION REPORT: Part 35 of our Foreign Student Series looks at programs for high school and college students.Discovery Could Ease Blood Shortages in Hospitals
On HEALTH REPORT: Researchers test an easier way to make 'universal' blood out of other typesDiscoveries Throw New Light on Stonehenge, but Mysteries Remain
On EXPLORATIONS: Researchers find the remains of an ancient community at nearby Durrington Walls. The discovery shows Stonehenge did not stand alone.


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