Tuesday, April 24, 2007

VOA Special English News 4/24/2007

Tuberculosis Can Be Cured, But It Must Be Treated the Right Way
On SCIENCE IN THE NEWS: If TB is not handled correctly, it can become resistant to drugs -- a serious problem in many countries. Second of two reports.Officials Hunt for an Explanation of Pet Food Scare
On AGRICULTURE REPORT: One theory is that ingredients contained a chemical to create appearance of higher protein levels.White Sands National Monument: A Wonder of Nature, in New Mexico
On THIS IS AMERICA: Explore an extreme desert environment in the American SouthwestAce in the Hole: Put on Your Poker Face
On WORDS AND THEIR STORIES: Terms that come from card games.Newest Warnings on Climate Change Present It as a Security Threat
On DEVELOPMENT REPORT: A study warns of risk to US. Also, the UN Security Council discusses climate change for the first time, though with dissent from some developing nations.Barbara Jordan, 1936-1996: A Powerful Voice for Justice and Social Change
On PEOPLE IN AMERICA: Jordan was the first African-American woman elected to the United States Congress to represent Texas. In 1974, she gained national recognition as a member of the congressional committee investigating President Nixon.Issues After Killings at Virginia Tech Go Beyond Debate Over Gun Laws
On IN THE NEWS: Friday was an official day of mourning in Virginia for the 32 victims. It was also the eighth anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado.US Brings Two Trade Cases Against China
On ECONOMICS REPORT: American officials say the Chinese are not protecting intellectual property. China expresses "great regret" at the actions.Awards Recognize Young People Trying to Make the World a Better Place
Also on AMERICAN MOSAIC: A museum in Baltimore, Maryland, tells the story of the first railway and shipyard owned by African-Americans. And a question from Zimbabwe about the Billboard Hot 100 music chart.The Formula for Becoming a Pharmacist
On EDUCATION REPORT: A look at pharmacy education in the US, and the requirements for foreign-trained pharmacists. Part 33 of our Foreign Student Series.Civil Rights Movement: In the '60s, a Struggle for Equality in US
On THE MAKING OF A NATION: Activists marched, held sit-in protests and led "freedom rides" to demand better treatment of black Americans. Martin Luther King Junior lived by the idea of nonviolence, but his murder led to riots in more than 100 cities.Vaccines: How They Work (and How Caterpillars Could Help)
On HEALTH REPORT: Most influenza vaccine is made in chickens eggs. But scientists are testing a design made from caterpillar cells.Eleanor Creesy Helped Guide One of the Fastest Sailing Ships Ever
On EXPLORATIONS: In 1851 the Flying Cloud set a record for sailing from New York to San Francisco. It made the trip in 89 days, 21 hours.

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